5 Ways to Improve Your Relationships
Relationships can take on so many forms in our lives — there are the families we are born into, the friends we choose along the way, coworkers and professional connections, and of course, romantic partners. Each of these types of relationships take work if they’re to grow and deepen over time (yes, even the family relationships that we can’t help). Coworkers, even if you only see them for eight hours a day, five days a week (ok, wow that’s a lot!), cultivating positive and meaningful relationships takes intention and a bit of work. Here are five ways you can bring that intention into your relationships — no matter what the type or how you know them.
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Rawpixel, Public Domain Dedication (CC0)
1. Show gratitude. Every morning (or at least once a week), write down 1-3 people in your life that you are grateful for. This can be a mentor, best friend, sibling, extended relative, romantic partner — anyone. Just make a list of 1-3 people and note why you feel grateful. What positive impact in your life does each of these people contribute?
Joshua Ness, Public Domain Dedication (CC0)
2. Practice consistent communication. This is especially meaningful for the people in your life you don’t see on a day-to-day basis, people like extended family or old friends. Reach out and say hello, ask how someone is doing, share something new and good from your own life. Make time to be with the people you care about in person, send an email, or make a phone call.
Pamela Lima, Public Domain Dedication (CC0)
3. Make amends. Are there unsettled conflicts in your life? Is there someone you are avoiding? What would it look like if this situation, this relationship were resolved? Ask yourself if you need to take any action now or if it’s time to simply forgive and let go.
5. Remember quality over quantity! You might know 50 people, but only have 2-3 close friends. Focus your energy on those 2-3. Go for depth, not breadth. Remember that it is more meaningful to nurture a few relationships than to maintain surface-level connections with a lot of people.
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